Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Okay, Okay 25 things...

I've been tagged by approx. a million people to write down 25 random things about myself on the ever popular facebook, but because I think writing notes on facebook is kind of weird, I'll do this on here and for some reason that will make it less weird. Also, don't feel obligated to waste your time reading this...I wouldn't.

1. The most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me occurred last spring on the way to the DMB concert when I literally backed my car out of the garage with the door still down ...that wasn't an expensive mistake...

2. My favorite time of the whole day is when I get to cuddle up beside Brad in bed. Not only do I love this time because it makes me warm in our 64 degree house, but because it makes being married feel real to me.

3. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

4. I want nothing more than to answer God's call for my life when I graduate, but I'm having a really hard time figuring out what that is.

5. I drive around with the gas light on in my car probably 60% of the time. It doesn't bother me, for some odd reason I'm confident I'll never run out of gas.

6. I'm scared of death, I mean really really scared of it...I know its dumb because I know without a doubt where I'm going when I die, but I'm scared. Probably because of the unknown...I'm scared of clowns too...

7. I have a huge family and I love it.

8. I LOVE bubble baths

9. HGTV is my favorite channel I love to watch it and say "Hey Brad, look one day when we have money I'll make our house look like that!"

10. I want my own boat.

11. Smith Mountain Lake is my favorite place in the entire world.

12. My little brother is one of my best friends.

13. If I could live in any state I would pick Georgia...or maybe South Carolina...Charleston sounds nice...

14. I'm a list maker, and everything must be crossed off before it goes in the trash...well actually the recycling, not the trash :)

15. I actually like the 45 minute drive from Roanoke to Blacksburg 3 days a week.

16. I love coming home to someone who is excited to see me, and by someone I mean Lucy :)

17. I love reading.

18. I can't wait to be a Virginia Tech Alumni, I just like the sound of it. And on a side note i LOVE Virginia Tech, like seriously love affair people!!

19. I know middle schoolers are supposed to be annoying, but I love the time I spend "student teaching" at the middle school.

20. I terribly miss playing soccer and volleyball, and think I might want to coach someday, maybe.

21. I can run longer, farther, and harder when I am listening to worship music...AND I've just recently developed this love for running, I used to hate it...run for fun, who does that anyway?

22. I want to complete a half marathon one day, and maybe eventually even a marathon...we will see, we will see...

23. When we first got the news about Haley and Riley being added to our family I hoped for boys so I could still be the only girl, but now I love having two little girls around that want to be just like me, and I don't mind sharing the limelight anymore...most of the time...

24. I'm having a hard time thinking of 25 random things about me, I don't like these kinds of things, I could easily come up with 25 random things about Brad though...

25. I love my new life as Mrs. Collins...still sounds weird to me when someone calls me that, isn't that my mother in law's name??


Keeping up with the Jones said...

My fav holiday is Thanksgiving too!! I learned new things about you! :)

Wolford Family said...

I'm loving #1. Hahahah...

I was so BUMMED about missing the sleepover ;(