Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's almost time to graduate when...

- You have an exam and quiz tomorrow, you haven't even began studying for either and its now 6:15 PM
- You have an exact number of "class days" left before exams begin (by the way that number is now 16)
- You just forked out $75 for a measly 25 graduation announcements (let's be serious though, Mom and Dad forked out $75)
- You're beginning to realize that your time at college has almost come to an end
- You are starting to stress about the possibility of becoming a working woman (even if you still aren't really sure what you want to do)
- Every time that you drive away from campus you wonder what it will feel like when you drive away for the last time...


Anonymous said...

Oh you are so close!! Congrats!! Just start thinking about not being poor anymore to lift your spirits ;-)

Keeping up with the Jones said...

Wahoo!!! Congrats April!! :)