Friday, August 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

I have discovered a great thing on There is a section of their recipe website that gives you a list of groceries for the week that will all fit into one grocery bag and you can cook 5 meals with those groceries!! I will be getting a lot of use out of this once we get into more of a routine this fall. But who am I kidding our life won't ever have a routine until we're like 80 years old, there will always be soccer games to coach and play in, and friends to see, and parties to attend. But that's just the way I like it :)

I am also LOVING these dogeared necklaces. One of my roommates bought me one for my birthday one year and I thought it was so cute. You make a wish when you put it on, and you wear it until it falls off.

And my last thought of the day I crazy for taking Lucy with us on our trip to VA Beach this weekend??? Haha the answer is probably yes!

1 comment:

Keeping up with the Jones said...

I use like it's my job. I love it. Oh yeah and don't forget about good ole hamburger helper! We ate it nonstop our first year to the point I can't even look at it in the grocery store anymore but Josh loves it! :)