Friday, May 1, 2009

You Can Just Call Me Martha...Minus the Anklet

Hello friends, I know it has been far far too long, over a month...and no I don't have the swine flu or anything don't be alrmed, but as you will see shortly I have been very busy. Let me recap the last month for you...
First there was Easter, unfortunately I have no "First Easter as a Married Couple" pictures to show you, I know I know I'm not winning any wife of the year awards here...
Then, there was April 16th which brought back all kinds of memories and emotions
but this post isn't going there...its supposed to be light-hearted (hence the title)

And since it is finally spring and we are finally getting some nice spring weather it seems like Brad and I have been spending every free second outside, either giving Lucy much needed baths since her new favorite hobby happens to be rolling around in cat poo (that somehow ends up in our yard even though we don't have cats...don't get me started on that tangent!!), or planting flowers, or climbing trees, or just playing in the sun!! And brace yourselves, I might have even started a garden!!! Yes, you heard correctly G-A-R-D-E-N like with real vegetables in it! Here are some pictures of the fruits of our labor :)

So yes, we have been busy busy getting the yard ready for my GRADUATION PARTY!!! Yes it is only 14 days away from graduation weekend! So if you read this fake blogger friends and you want to come feel free, I mean how cool would it be if P-Dub somehow found her cute country self on my blog and somehow decided that she wanted to bring her cute country self her MM and those cute kids to my party...I wouldn't want to disappoint right?

Oh and one more thing...who wouldn't want to work in the garden with this kind of help??

Oh Lucy, please stop rolling the cat stuff...

Or with this to watch, I mean help?

Phew, let me go catch my breath...

1 comment:

Keeping up with the Jones said...

You need to come to my house and my my yard look that good! :) Miss you! :) By the way, Lucy is so cute!